The AMC Squad is a free* standalone, story-driven single-player FPS game for PC (Windows/Linux) running on EDuke32 (Build Engine). It combines gameplay mechanics of retro-shooters with aspects of modern titles, complete with a story-driven narrative that spans over several episodes. Each episode is a full-length campaign featuring multiple varied locations to explore and many hidden secrets and collectibles to discover. Experience an overarching story that is loosely based on the worlds and settings of other classic Build Engine games. Pick from more than 8 different character classes, each with a unique set of items, weapons and abilities, and fight a large selection of different enemy factions that threaten the safety of the world.
The game currently contains 4 fully playable episodes, with 6 episodes planned in total. Episode 5 is currently in development. No release date estimate is available at this time.
Game Features
▶ Classic FPS gameplay mixed with modern mechanics.
▶ Mission-based level structure, spanning 4+ separate episodes, with more than 20 hours worth of content.
▶ Intricate and highly interactive levels, with many secrets to find.
▶ A rich story consisting of multiple character arcs and plot threads.
▶ 8 different character classes with different gameplay styles, with more to unlock as you progress.
▶ Unique loadout of weapons and items for each character, as well as level-specific weapons to find and unlock.
▶ Collectibles, weapon replacements and a fully-fledged progress system.
▶ Upgradeable weapons and character abilities.
▶ Multiple vehicles, including motorcycles, spaceships, tanks and horses.
▶ In-game cutscenes and pre-rendered FMV sequences, complete with voice acting and subtitles.
▶ Original music composed by HiveBoss, TheDavisD, AliCatGamer, and various tracks sourced from OpenGameArt.
▶ And more features you never thought possible in a Build Engine game!
Game Plot
The AMC Squad is a paramilitary group formed by a man whose identity is unknown to all but a select few in the EDF and EAF. Using funds from both agencies, he hired an old friend to track down 7 of the best and most skilled fighters in the Solar System, after the disappearance of Earth’s greatest hero. This squad was formed to tackle the most severe threats to Earth’s safety, including fighting off the notorious Cycloid race of aliens. However, they inadvertently set into motion a sequence of events that dramatically increase the scale of conflict, and they must soon deal with a threat that is new to even the most supernatural members of the team.
Can you fight as the AMC Squad, and take care of this threat? Will you scour the battlefield, find and acquire research and equipment and tackle the threat strategically, or simply run in guns blazing? Will you choose to play as Sangluss, a warlock with great power who overcame a dark past? Or as Merlijn, a knight from Holland who wields ancient weaponry to deadly effect? As Mikko, the cybernetic leader of MS Corp industries, who brings a range of deadly and hi-tech weaponry to the battlefield? Or as Highwire, who relies only on his good old-fashioned military rifles, and a trusty bottle of Vodka?
Whomever you choose, be prepared for the fight of a lifetime.
Free-To-Play Model
*As it stands now, The AMC Squad is completely free to play and offers over 20 hours of play time. The game is under active development and is expected to add 2 more chapters on top of the four that are available at this time. The game may however become paid once fully developed, or continue to be free.
The AMC Squad Screenshots